Monday, December 31, 2012


There are 5 broad categories in which people statistically resolve to improve in the coming year:
Health and Wellness

There are many "anti-resolutionists" out there, but the thought of a beautifully typed out list of all the ways to better myself, complete with boxes just waiting to be checked, makes me absolutely giddy! 

So without further adieu, here are my 2013 Resolutions:

Health and Wellness: Like most of you, I've got plenty of room for improvement in this category. 

You'd think one's daughter constantly asking if one has a baby in one's tummy when one is NOT pregnant would be motivation enough...

...or perhaps pulling out one's "fat clothes" bin, replacing all "skinny clothes" with said "fat clothes", would light a fire...

...but alas, I am forcing myself into this resolution, kicking and screaming,
out of nothing more than sheer necessity!
Get a gym membership, gather some friends, and try my darndest to get my money's worth!!

Home: With 7 years of wife-hood under my belt, I should be a pro in all things "home". 

Unfortunately, this couldn't be further from the truth... just ask my husband! 

As the queen of "all or nothing", I either have an immaculate home, a monthly meal plan, and a perfectly set routine...

...or I am surrounded by chaos, scrounging up dinner at the last second, and unsure of where my day went!

So, while keeping my "all or nothing" tendencies in check, I resolve to:
Set up an attainable meal plan and cleaning schedule that I can stick to without giving up!!

Finances: We've made a lot of headway in this category, but have more work to do!
All the hustle and bustle of the holidays has messed with my budget, and there is nothing I hate more than changing my spreadsheets to accomodate excessive spending!! (I'm so lame!)
We are planning to buy a house late summer/early fall and we'll have to be on our best financial behavior until then!
One specific way we resolve to improve our finances is to:
Be more intentional with our day to day spending!

Family: I've been blessed beyond measure with a loving husband, two adorable kids and and an awesome extended family.

The holidays bring out the best and worst in families.  Thankfully for me, more of the former than the latter! 

But a busy 22 month old who seeks danger and learned the art of escaping from a pack 'n play while staying at Grandma's, doesn't always bring out the best in mama.

I want my kids to remember the times we spent together, not their mama having no patience!

So, my family-based resolution is:
Always remember how lucky I am to have the time I have with my kids and husband 
and to use it wisely!
Faith: I've saved the best for last! 
I'm guilty of constantly failing to give God the time he deserves in my life.  I somehow think that He's the one missing out on a relationship with me, when in reality it's the other way around.
In my prayer life, I often play the role of the whiner who only calls when there is a imminent need, instead of taking advantage of the direct line of communication I have with God.
I've more than once made the goal to read my Bible cover to cover and have sadly never accomplished it.
But this will not be the case in 2013!  In fact, thanks to an inspiring testimony from a friend of mine, I started my Bible reading resolution early and have made it through all four gospels before the New Year has begun!
In short (or long) I resolve to:
Make my relationship with God the most important aspect of my life - starting my day with Him, talking to Him throughout the day (not just quick prayers before meals and bedtimes), and reading through His Word, in its entirety, in the year 2013!!


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