Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Wheels of Change...

I can't believe I haven't written on here for almost 3 months!!  Actually, I can believe it... I am terrible at sticking to anything, hence the utter failure of my New Year's Resolutions!  So much has changed since then and there are more exciting changes to come so make sure to read to the end...

My little guy turned two February 8th!

He couldn't muster a smile for the camera! 
And that crooked picture in the background is enough to drive me crazy!

I am a huge fan of themed parties... I usually like to think outside the box and come up with an obscure, fun concept (like Natalie's Puzzle theme for her 3rd birthday). I failed to come up with something unique so we went with Teddy's favorite character Mickey Mouse!

We invited everyone to Teddy's Clubhouse for the party and I had some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse songs cued up for kiddos to dance along to!

We had a little help from Toodles!

All the kiddos donned handmade Mickey Mouse ears. 
*Helpful tip, do not wait until the night before to start making the ears! 
Also, just go ahead and pay a little more for self-adhesive felt...
felt + tacky glue = Headache!

After eating Mickey Mouse pancakes and "hotdogs" (sausage links), they painted some Mickey Mouse pictures...

...then went fishing for red gooey fish!

The kids had fun and so did I!!

My little lady is turning four next week! 
I was stuck when trying to come up with a theme for her party.  I wanted to do a lifesize Candyland concept, but the confines of apartment living coupled with old man winter refusing to take a hike squashed that idea quickly.  We settled on a Bubble Gum Bash by default... I had purchased some mini gumball machines on post-Easter clearance that I was planning on saving for a future party (yes I've started planning her 8th birthday party).  Natalie saw them and begged to have a bubble gum party now... somehow my explanation of "just wait 4 more years" didn't quite register with her... so we're going with it. 
My little tiny one is growing quickly. 
I am halfway through the pregnancy now and can't wait to see his/her little face on the ultrasound next week!  Apparently this baby just wanted to make my belly pop right out! I've been asked if I am carrying twins and often get a shocked, almost mortified look when I respond "September 14th" to the question "when are you due?" 
I have 9 days until I can finally say I am a college graduate! 
How pathetic... it only took me a span of 8 years to get a bachelors degree!  But lots of people take that long to graduate right?  "Yeah, they're called doctors!" (Gotta throw in a little Tommy Boy whenever possible).  In fairness, I did only take 7 semesters to do it... I just took my sweet time!
I saved our biggest and most exciting changes for last! 
My hubby has accepted a position with a new company...
which means that
We are moving!!
We are packing up the UHaul in 10 days and will make the 2 1/2 hour drive back to our hometown!!
I will miss so much of our life here...

We had to search a bit to find the right fit, but once we did we settled right in!  Grace Baptist has been so wonderful to us... the children's programs are amazing, the ladies' ministry is wonderful, our small group is the highlight of every other week, and the preaching is always insightful and challenging.

I had the pleasure of serving on the steering team for my local chapter of Mothers of Preschoolers for the past year.  The friendships that I formed within the steering team are some of the closest I have, and I've so enjoyed having an excuse to hang out with mamas a few times a month. 
The O.G.
I started working at the Olive Garden out of necessity.  We were paying for an apartment and the sale on our house had fallen through, so we needed the income to cover both until we secured new buyers.  Olive Garden was about to open and was a hop skip and a jump from our house so I applied.  I never imagined looking forward to going to work (I'd much rather stay home and play with my kids), but the people at O.G. make it a fun place to be and I will miss them!  And the breadsticks! And the Chicken Gnocchi soup!! 
You know who you are... you are the ones I laughed and cried with, celebrated and grieved with, vented to and offered advice to.... you took my kids when I just needed a break and I returned the favor when you thought you might pull out your hair... we double-dated, play-dated, and mommy-dated... we dreamed and planned and schemed our futures and our kiddos futures together and it breaks my heart to leave you all.  I won't forget you and all the memories!!

Along with all the important stuff previously listed, I will miss the convenience of living within a minute of Target, Old Navy, Sams, the Mall, Olive Garden and Texas Roadhouse.... oh how I will miss Texas Roadhouse!!

But despite all that we are leaving, I am so excited for this next chapter in our lives!

We bought a house!  It's right around the corner from two of my sisters' houses and is exactly what I was hoping to find! We can grow into it and stay there for 20+ years, we won't have to put up or take down any walls, but can still completely make it our own, and it has a nice yard perfect for the kiddos!!  We won't close on it until a month after we move back, so we'll be staying with my sister and her family!
Two of my sisters and my parents live in our hometown and another sister lives 20 minutes away.  My hubby's parents and sister also live in our hometown.  It will be so nice to get to see all of them and have my kids grow up with their cousins!  The Boston Marathon bombing left us all on pins and needles as we waited to hear from my sister who was spectating the race... by God's grace she missed the bomb by 1 minute and came safely home... but I am holding my family a little closer after this scare and am so excited to be able to spend more time with them!
 I can't wait to reconnect with old friends and make new ones too!  I can't wait for lazy days at the outdoor pool, summer bbq's and just getting to chat while the kids play!  I can't wait for the ladies' nights, the dinner parties and the playdates!  I can't wait to laugh until my sides hurt and to pick your brains for advice on everything from parenting to renovating!
I left my hometown a little over a year and half ago.  I had opened my photography business four months prior to the move and had to close it just when it got going!  Although it will likely take a bit before I am ready to reopen, I am so excited for when I can announce that it is up an running again!!
Hopefully it doesn't take me 3 months to post again, but I can't make any guarantees!  Keep your eye out for a blog on the new house renovations!!!

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